13 February 2017
Dipartimento di Fisica Sapienza Univ. di Roma
Europe/Rome timezone


13 Feb 2017, 10:15
aula "Careri" primo piano edificio "Marconi" (Dipartimento di Fisica Sapienza Univ. di Roma)

aula "Careri" primo piano edificio "Marconi"

Dipartimento di Fisica Sapienza Univ. di Roma


Mario Nicodemi (NA)


Computer simulations of polymer physics and the 3D structure of the human genome Chromosomes in mammalian cells have a complex spatial organization serving vital functional purposes. We are showing that their 3D structure can be derived with high accuracy, and its molecular determinants identified, by use of polymer physics combined with advanced, massive computer simulations and high-throughput experimental data analysis. Chromosomes have a hierarchical architecture made of domains-within-domains, deeply linked to gene regulation. Predictions on the effects of genomic mutations are now confirmed by experiments. Our results are helping progressing the basic understanding of genome function and structure, as well as new diagnostic tools for diseases linked to chromatin misfolding, such as congenital disorders and cancer.

Primary author

Mario Nicodemi (NA)


Andrea Maria Chiariello (N) Carlo Annunziatella (N) Simona Bianco (NA)

Presentation materials