9–14 Sept 2018
University of Ferrara
Europe/Rome timezone

Femtoscopic correlations of two identical particles with nonzero spin in the model of one-particle multipole sources

Not scheduled
University of Ferrara

University of Ferrara

Polo degli Adelardi Via Adelardi 33 Ferrara Italy
Poster Spin Physics in Nuclear Reactions and Nuclei


Dr Valery Lyuboshitz (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research ( Dubna ))


The process of emission of two identical particles with nonzero spin $S$ and different helicities in relativistic heavy-ion collisions is theoretically investigated within the model of one-particle multipole sources. Taking into account the unitarity of the finite rotation matrix and the symmetry relations for $d$-functions, the general expression for the probability of emission of two identical particles by two multipole sources with angular momentum $J$, averaged over the angular momentum projections and over the space-time dimensions of the multiple particle generation region, has been obtained. For the case of unpolarized particles, the additional averaging over helicities is performed and the formula for two-particle correlation function at sufficiently large 4-momentum difference $q$ is derived. For particles with nonzero mass, this formula is considerably simplified in the case when the angle $\beta$ between the particle momenta equals zero, and also in the case when $J = S$. In addition, the special cases of emission of two unpolarized photons by dipole and quadrupole sources, and emission of two "left" neutrinos ( "right" antineutrinos ) by sources with arbitrary $J$ have also been considered, and the respective explicit expressions for the correlation function are obtained .

Primary author

Dr Valery Lyuboshitz (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research ( Dubna ))


Dr Vladimir Lyuboshitz (JINR, Dubna)

Presentation materials