Valery Lyuboshitz
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research ( Dubna ))
The process of emission of two identical particles with
nonzero spin $S$ and different helicities in relativistic
heavy-ion collisions is theoretically
investigated within the model of one-particle multipole
sources. Taking into account the unitarity of the finite
rotation matrix and the symmetry relations for $d$-functions,
the general expression for the probability of emission of
two identical particles by two multipole sources with
angular momentum $J$, averaged over the angular momentum
projections and over the space-time dimensions of
the multiple particle generation region, has been obtained.
For the case of unpolarized particles, the additional
averaging over helicities is performed and the formula
for two-particle correlation function at sufficiently large
4-momentum difference $q$ is derived. For particles with nonzero
mass, this formula is considerably simplified in the case when
the angle $\beta$ between the particle momenta equals zero,
and also in the case when $J = S$.
In addition, the special cases of emission
of two unpolarized photons by dipole and quadrupole
sources, and emission of two "left" neutrinos
( "right" antineutrinos ) by sources with arbitrary $J$
have also been considered, and the respective
explicit expressions for the correlation function
are obtained .
Primary author
Valery Lyuboshitz
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research ( Dubna ))
Vladimir Lyuboshitz
(JINR, Dubna)