9–14 Sept 2018
University of Ferrara
Europe/Rome timezone

Spin studies of the short-range correlations at Nuclotron

10 Sept 2018, 15:10
A8 (Polo degli Adelardi - Via Adelardi, 33)


Polo degli Adelardi - Via Adelardi, 33

Parallel Sessions Spin Physics in Nuclear Reactions and Nuclei Spin physics in Nuclear Reactions and Nuclei


Dr Vladimir Ladygin (VBLHEP JINR)


The results on the angular dependencies of the vector Ay and tensor Ayy and Axx analyzing powers in deuteron-proton elastic scattering at large scattering angles are presented. These data were obtained at internal target at JINR Nuclotron in the energy range 400-1800 MeV using polarized deuteron beam from new polarized ion source [1]. New data on the deuteron analyzing powers in in the wide energy range demonstrate the sensitivity to the short-range spin structure of the isoscalar nucleon-nucleon correlations. The perspectives of further studies of the short-range correlations using polarized deuteron and proton beams are discussed. [1] A.S.Belov et al., J.Phys.Conf.Ser. 938 (2017) 012017.

Primary author

Dr Vladimir Ladygin (VBLHEP JINR)

Presentation materials