Alto is an infrastructure that comprises both an on-line isotope-separation facility based on the photofission of uranium and a stable ion beam facility based on a 14.5-MV tandem accelerator. The isotope-separation on-line section of Alto is dedicated to the production of neutron-rich radioactive ion beams (RIB) from the interaction of the gamma flux induced by a 50-MeV 10-µA electron beam in a uranium carbide target. It is dimensioned for 10^11 fissions per second. Its laser ion source has been successfully commissioned and has delivered beams of gallium and zinc isotopes. After mass separation, the RIBs are presently sent to an experimental beam line dedicated to beta decay, while the construction of other set-ups for nuclear spectroscopy is in progress. The RIB facility is exploited in alternating mode with the tandem-based section of Alto, capable of accelerating both light ions for nuclear astrophysics and heavy ions for gamma spectroscopy. The facility thereby offers the opportunity to deliver beams to a large range of physics programs from nuclear to interdisciplinary physics.
In this talk, the Alto facility will be presented as well as some highlights and future prospects of the experimental program, with emphasis on the production of radioactive ion beams.