22–24 mag 2017
Centro Congressi Università di Napoli Federico II
Europe/Rome fuso orario


Registration Form

Aperto 30 gen 2017
Chiuso 17 mag 2017

The registration fee is 100€ per participant. This includes coffee breaks and the social dinner. The registration fee has to be paid directly in cash at the registration desk at the Conference. The registration desk will open on Monday at 12:00 at the venue. The registration fee includes coffee breaks, a light lunch on May 23rd and the social dinner on May 23rd (8:00 pm) at Restaurant La Scialuppa in Borgo Marinari If you are accompanied by one or more guests who would like to attend the workshop dinner, please inform the organizing commitee by email (flavour2017@na.infn.it) before the registration closes, so that extra places may be reserved for them. The additional payment for the guests will be handled directly at the registration desk.

L'iscrizione è chiuso
Il periodo di iscrizione è scaduto.