Session 12
- Guido Martinelli (ROMA1)
Giancarlo Rossi
15/12/2017, 16:50
I shall present a summary of some recent HPC activities in which people of the three Roma Universities are involved and an outlook of future plans.
Leonardo Giusti
15/12/2017, 17:10
I will review the research activity of the INFN group QCDLAT.
Maria Paola Lombardo
15/12/2017, 17:30
We summarize the lattice activities within
the I.S. QFT_HEP:
concerning 'Quark Gluon Plasma', we focus on the LHC working region and study equation of state, topology and
bottomonium suppression; for 'Strong Interaction Beyond
the Standard Model', we study models with scale hierarchy which may be relevant for composite Higgs extensions of
the SM, and we use our topology results to explore...
Sebastiano Fabio Schifano
15/12/2017, 17:50
Recent multi- and many-core HPC processors are powerful processing units able to deliver computing performances in the order of one Teraflop. However, programming them efficiently to exploit a large fraction of available peak performance is not an easy task. This because application codes should be able to exploit several level of parallelism, and appropriate data-layouts should be used to...