Session 8
- Michele Pepe (MIB)
davide vadacchino
(INFN Sezione di Pisa)
14/12/2017, 17:20
In the last few years, machine learning techniques have been applied to a large variety of classification problems. In this talk, we present a quantitative study of the critical behavior of an exactly solved model, the 2D Ising model, performed using a quadratic kernel Support Vector Machine. Under very mild assumptions, the critical exponents and the critical temperature are obtained with a...
Jonna Koponen
(INFN sezione di Roma Tor Vergata)
14/12/2017, 17:40
This is an excellent time to study heavy mesons that contain c and/or b quarks, as they are produced in abundance by B-factories and at LHCb. There are persistent discrepancies with Standard Model in the b to c semileptonic observables, for example the few-sigma anomalies in the so called R-ratios R(D), R(D*) and R(J/psi) recently announced by LHCb. Reliable Standard Model predictions of these...
Claudio Bonanno
(University of Pisa and INFN - Pisa section)
14/12/2017, 18:00
We measured the theta-dependence of the vacuum energy density of the CP^(N-1) model up to O(theta^6) for N = 15, 21, 26 and 31 using Monte Carlo simulations.
We then extrapolated the large-N limit of the topological susceptibility chi and of the higher-order coefficients b_2 and b_4 and compared it with the analytic results. In particular, we compared the leading term of the 1/N expansion of...
Giovanni Francesco Massari
(Politecnico di Bari)
14/12/2017, 18:40
A large number of numerical models have been proposed by researchers in order to investigate the effect of contrarian on opinion formation in groups. In this work we extend the Decision-Making Model (DMM), previously developed by the same authors, to show that under specific conditions the presence of ‘contrarians’, i.e. of anti-consensus social interactions, may increase the efficacy of human...