Session 6
- Leonardo Angelini (BA)
Adriano Di Giacomo
14/12/2017, 11:30
Condensation of monopoles in Non Abelian Gauge Theories is shown to be a gauge-invariant property
and Abelian projection independent. The order parameter is computed numerically for $SU(2)$ and $SU(3)$ theories:
it is consistent with dual superconductivity of the confining vacuum.
Giuseppe Burgio
(Universität Tübingen)
14/12/2017, 11:50
The Gribov-Zwanziger confinement mechanism has enjoyed increased attention in the last few years. Although it can be both formulated in covariant and Coulomb gauge, the latter version allows to investigate the properties of the QCD vacuum wave functional in the continuum and can be linked to well defined lattice quantities. In this talk I will review the relevant Coulomb gauge results on the...
Guido Cossu
(University of Edinburgh)
14/12/2017, 12:30
I will present the preliminary tests on two modifications of the Hybrid Monte Carlo (HMC) algorithm. Both algorithms are designed to travel much farther in the Hamiltonian phase space for each trajectory and reduce the autocorrelations among physical observables thus tackling the critical slowing down towards the continuum limit. We present a comparison of costs of the new algorithms with the...
Alessandro Nada
(DESY Zeuthen)
14/12/2017, 12:50
Jarzynski's equality provides an elegant and powerful tool to compute directly ratios of partition functions in Monte Carlo simulations and it can be easily extended to lattice gauge theories in order to compute several physically interesting quantities. In this talk we present a novel technique to compute the equation of state of strongly-interacting theories based on this relation, which...