13–15 dic 2017
Centro Polifunzionale UniBA
Europe/Rome fuso orario
SM&FT 2017 High Performance Computing in Theoretical Physics

Testing new Monte Carlo evolution algorithms in Grid

14 dic 2017, 12:30
Centro Polifunzionale UniBA

Centro Polifunzionale UniBA


Dr. Guido Cossu (University of Edinburgh)


I will present the preliminary tests on two modifications of the Hybrid Monte Carlo (HMC) algorithm. Both algorithms are designed to travel much farther in the Hamiltonian phase space for each trajectory and reduce the autocorrelations among physical observables thus tackling the critical slowing down towards the continuum limit. We present a comparison of costs of the new algorithms with the standard HMC evolution for pure gauge fields, studying the autocorrelation times for various quantities including the topological charge. Both algorithms were implemented using the next generation Grid Data Parallel code developed by the University of Edinburgh and designed to achieve optimal performance on a wide range of architectures. I will discuss some of Grid features.

Autore principale

Dr. Guido Cossu (University of Edinburgh)

Materiali di presentazione