Astrophysical sources and Backgrounds & Multimessenger physics
- Sergio Pastor (IFIC (CSIC-Univ Valencia))
Astrophysical sources and Backgrounds & Multimessenger physics
- Mariam Tortola (IFIC (Univ Valencia-CSIC))
Eli Waxman
(Weizmann Institute)
25/09/2017, 13:30
Astrophysical sources and backgrounds
Talk (20'+5')
The detection of high energy extra-terrestrial neutrinos by IceCube opens a new window for observations of the Universe. I will discuss the origin of these neutrinos, the clues that their detection provide towards the solution of the long standing question of the origin of cosmic-rays, and the prospects for identifying the cosmic-ray sources and for studying open questions in astro- and...
Rikard Enberg
(Uppsala University)
25/09/2017, 13:55
Astrophysical sources and backgrounds
Talk (20'+5')
The atmospheric neutrino flux is produced when cosmic rays collide with Earth's atmosphere. At very high energy, the prompt contribution to the neutrino flux, which comes from decays of charmed hadrons, dominates over the conventional flux, which comes from pion and kaon decays. This is due to the very short lifetime of the charmed hadrons, which therefore do not lose energy before they decay....
Walter Winter
25/09/2017, 14:20
Astrophysical sources and backgrounds
Talk (20'+5')
Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are the most energetic electromagnetic outburst class in the Universe, and candidates for the sources of the ultra-high energy cosmic rays (UHECRs). We discuss the neutrino flux associated with the prompt emission from GRBs, such as its possible contribution to the observed astrophysical neutrino flux, and we show the implications of recent stacking searches for...
Elisa Resconi
25/09/2017, 14:45
Astrophysical sources and backgrounds
Talk (20'+5')
Alexander Kusenko
(UCLA and Kavli IPMU)
25/09/2017, 15:10
Multimessenger physics
Talk (20'+5')
Observed spectra of distant blazars show evidence of secondary gamma rays from interactions of cosmic rays with extragalactic photon radiation (EBL and CMB). The same interactions of cosmic rays are expected to produce a flux of neutrinos with energies peaked around 1 PeV. The spectrum and the isotropic distribution are consistent with IceCube observations. This association also implies that...
Markus Ahlers
25/09/2017, 15:35
Multimessenger physics
Talk (20'+5')
The recent observation of TeV-PeV neutrinos by IceCube has opened a new window to the high-energy Universe. These high-energy astrophysical neutrinos are expected to originate from cosmic-ray interactions with gas and radiation. The origin of the IceCube signal is presently unknown and various Galactic and extragalactic source candidates have been proposed. Multi-messenger studies can help to...
Dario Grasso
26/09/2017, 16:50
Astrophysical sources and backgrounds
Talk (20'+5')
The Galaxy is a guaranteed source of neutrinos produced by the interaction of cosmic rays (CRs) with the interstellar gas. According to conventional CR propagation models, however, this emission may be too weak to be detected even by Km3-scale neutrino telescopes. This expectation has to be revisited in the light of recent Fermi-LAT findings showing that the CR spectrum in the inner Galactic...
Antonio Marinelli
26/09/2017, 17:15
Astrophysical sources and backgrounds
Talk (20'+5')
In this work we present a detailed study of the high-energy neutrino flux expectation from different diffuse regions of our Galaxy, like the Central Molecular Zone (CMZ), the Galactic Ridge and the Fermi Bubbles. The TeV gamma-ray observations from the mentioned regions, suggest a careful modeling of this guaranteed neutrino factories. We consider a recently introduced cosmic-ray transport...
Irene Di Palma
26/09/2017, 17:40
Multimessenger physics
Talk (20'+5')