- Héctor Alvarez Pol (University of Santiago de Compostela)
Beatriz Fernandez Dominguez
26/01/2017, 09:00
We have plan several physics cases to study the structure of nuclei far from stability with direct and resonant reactions using active targets. In this talk I will present the experimental requirements of the auxiliary detectors to be implemented depending on the physics goals of the experiments.
Manuel Caamano
(Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (Spain))
26/01/2017, 09:30
The interaction between a charge particle and a fissile nucleus might produce a new type of fission resonances below the Coulomb barrier. These resonances are still to be found experimentally.
We propose to use an optical chamber to observe directly the fission products of the interaction between a low-energy proton beam and a U target. The optical chamber works as a gas-filled TPC where the...
Mikolaj Cwiok
(University of Warsaw)
26/01/2017, 10:00
A newly built Extreme Light Infrastructure – Nuclear Physics (ELI-NP) facility in Bucharest-Magurele, Romania will provide monochromatic, high-brilliance gamma-ray beams that will allow one to study key nuclear reactions in modern astrophysics by means of the inverse photo-dissociation process [1]. Such inverse reactions exhibit larger cross sections due to detailed balance principle and have...
Anna Corsi
(CEA Saclay)
26/01/2017, 11:00
Invited Talk
The study of exotic nuclei has triggered the development of innovative target and detection systems. Protons and antiprotons are unique structure probe. Protons can be used to study the spectroscopy of exotic nuclei via quasi-free scattering reactions. Antiproton annihilation at the nuclear surface can be used to probe neutron/proton density ratio, and therefore characterize halos and...
Lothar Naumann
(Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf)
26/01/2017, 11:30
A solution proposed for timing detectors in new high rate beam environments as FAIR, LHC and ILC could be Resistive Plate Chambers (RPC) with semi conductive electrodes. The gas gap between two electrodes amounts to less the 300 µm, to increase the electric field strength up to 100 kV/cm. Different electrode materials are under investigation. RPC prototypes with semi conductive Si3N4/SiC...
Francesco Cappuzzello
26/01/2017, 12:00
The physics case of neutrino-less double beta decay and in particular, the crucial aspect of the nuclear matrix elements entering in the expression of the half-life of this process will be briefly introduced.
The novel idea of using heavy-ion induced reactions as tools for the determination of these matrix elements will be then presented in the framework of the NUMEN project of INFN [1]. ...
Dimitra Pierroutsakou
26/01/2017, 12:30
We will present the experimental set-up [1] of the Radioactive Ion Beam (RIB) in-flight facility EXOTIC [2-6] consisting of: a) two position-sensitive Parallel Plate Avalanche Counters (PPACs), dedicated to the event-by-event tracking of the produced RIBs and to time of flight measurements; b) the new high-granularity compact telescope array EXPADES (EXotic Particle DEtection System), designed...