Depending on the physics goals of each experiment, different types of auxiliary detectors such as neutron and γ-ray detectors must be coupled to GDS to complement the identification and track reconstruction in the gas volume. Silicon detectors, inorganic and organic scintillators need to be used in various compact geometries around the gas volume (or even operating inside it) and in the vicinity of strong magnetic fields. Despite the obvious improvements in overall sensitivity, the actual realization of coupling a GDS to an array of auxiliary detectors is far from trivial. This workshop aims at sharing the available information on new types of detector materials and their operational characteristics as it pertains to the joint use of different types of auxiliary detectors with the next generation GDS.
In particular, the following topics will be covered:

In particular, the following topics will be covered:
- Gas detections systems: ongoing and forthcoming projects
- Charged Particle Detectors for GDS
- Gamma-ray detectors for GDS
- Neutron detectors for GDS
- Simulation frameworks for complex systems
- Electronics for GDS and ancillaries
- Integration issues