Gianfranco Prete
SPES, a new accelerator facility for both the production of exotic ion beams and radio-pharmaceuticals, is presently being installed at the Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro in Italy (LNL). The new cyclotron, which will provide high intensity proton beams for the production of the rare isotopes, has been installed and is now in the commissioning phase. We present here the status of the project devoted to the production and acceleration of exotic beams. The expected SPES radioactive beams intensities, their quality and their maximum energies (up to 11 MeV/A for A=130) will allow forefront research in nuclear structure and nuclear dynamics far from the stability valley. The developments in nuclear physics technology will be applied in nuclear medicine for the study and production of innovative radioisotopes.
Primary author
Gianfranco Prete