Status and prospective of the SoLid/CHANDLER experiment
Camillo Mariani(Virginia Tech)
Aula Conversi (Dip. di Fisica - Edifcio G. Marconi)
Aula Conversi
Dip. di Fisica - Edifcio G. Marconi
The SoLid/CHANDLER experiment aims to make a measurement of very short baseline neutrino oscillations using reactor anti-neutrinos. For this purpose, a highly segmented detector was build out of PVT cubes lined with a 6LiF:ZnS(Ag)layer. Unlike neutrino experiments conducted deep underground, neutrino detectors used in a reactor environment need to operate in high levels of background radiation with very low shielding. Therefore, a reliable distinction between the neutrons produced in inverse beta decay events and signals caused by other background interaction is crucial. The composite of scintillation materials with different time constants enables the efficient use of pulse-shape analysis to discriminate against electromagnetic signals. In this talk I will present the SoLid detector, the signal identification with few example of inverse beta decays events that were collected during the first data taking of the first SoLid module and the future program that involves the use of the CHANDLER technology to increase the energy resolution of the SoLid detector.