1. General Seminars

Quality Assurance and radiation tolerance studies on double-sided silicon sensors of the CBM Silicon Tracking System.

A cura di Sig. Pavel Larionov (Goethe University, Frankfurt)

Aula Leale - edificio 22 (Laboratori Nazionali fi Frascati)

Aula Leale - edificio 22

Laboratori Nazionali fi Frascati

The Silicon Tracking System (STS) is the main tracking detector of the upcoming fixed-target Compressed Baryonic Matter (CBM) experiment which aims to explore the phase diagram of the strongly interacting matter in a region of high net baryonic densities and moderate temperatures. The STS will be used for the reconstruction of tracks of charged particles and determination of their momenta. The system comprises 8 tracking stations located 30 cm downstream of the target. It will be mounted with approximately 1200 double-sided silicon microstrip sensors in three different sizes. A high level of radiation damage is expected to impact on the sensors. The maximum exposure of 1× 1014 in 1 MeV neutron equivalent will be reached after several years of running depending on the physics program. The Quality Assurance (QA) procedures for the STS sensors will be overviewed highlighting the automated QA testing procedure for a single strip defect identification. In addition to this, the radiation tolerance studies performed on STS sensor prototypes will be presented.