16–19 Jun 2009
Centro Congressi, Hotel Giò, Perugia, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone


Parallel - DCH II

17 Jun 2009, 09:00
Centro Congressi, Hotel Giò, Perugia, Italy

Centro Congressi, Hotel Giò, Perugia, Italy

<a href=http://www.perugiacentrocongressi.it/eng/home.html>Perugia Centro Congressi</a>


<font color="blue">Location: Room TRUMPET 4</font>

Presentation materials

Christopher Hearty (Univ. of British Columbia)
17/06/2009, 09:00
Giuseppe Finocchiaro (INFN - LNF)
17/06/2009, 09:20
Prof. Michael Roney (University of Victoria)
17/06/2009, 09:40
Giuseppe Finocchiaro (iNFN - LNF)
17/06/2009, 10:00
Building timetable...