LIVIA SOFFI(Cornell Univ), V. Ippolito(Harvard Univ.)
Aula Careri (Dip. di Fisica - edificio G. Marconi)
Aula Careri
Dip. di Fisica - edificio G. Marconi
The intimate nature of Dark Matter is an unsolved question in natural science, despite its existence is well established by a number of cosmological observations. If Dark Matter interacts also non-gravitationally with ordinary matter, it may be detected through its scattering with nuclei or its annihilation products in direct and indirect detection experiments, or by producing it at particle colliders. Among these complementary experimental approaches which pave the path of the quest for Dark Matter, searching for its direct production in proton-proton collisions at the LHC is a unique opportunity for its discovery and understanding in a wide mass range. We will show the status of the current searches at the ATLAS and CMS experiments, discuss the strategy for an exhaustive quest for Dark Matter at the LHC Run-2 in different final states and underline its complementarity with direct and indirect detection experiments.