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25–29 Jan 2010
Physics Department, University of Rome
Europe/Rome timezone

Deep Underground Environmental Studies for 3rd Generation Gravitational Wave Detectors

26 Jan 2010, 15:35
Physics Department, University of Rome

Physics Department, University of Rome

Piazzale Aldo Moro 2, 00185 Rome


Nelson Christensen (Carleton College)


Observations are currently underway at the Deep Underground Science and Engineering Laboratory (Homestake, South Dakota, USA) in order to explore the suitability for building a 3rd generation gravitational wave interferometer deep underground. Results from our current network of seismometer and magnetometer observations will be presented, along with our plans for conducting gravity gradient measurements.

Primary author

Nelson Christensen (Carleton College)


David Rabeling (The Australian National University,) David Tanner (University of Florida) Fabrizio Barone (INFN Napoli) Giancarlo Cella (INFN Pisa) Guido Mueller (University of Florida) Jan Harms (University of Minnesota) Jo van den Brand (NIKHEF) Mark Beker (NIKHEF) Michael Coughlin (Carleton College) Riccardo DeSalvo (LIGO Caltech) Steven Dorsher (University of Minnesota) Szabolcs Marka (Columbia University) Vuk Mandic (University of Minnesota)

Presentation materials