26/01/2010, 09:15
Stefano Vitale
(Department of Physics, University of Trento, and INFN Gruppo di Trento, Italy)
26/01/2010, 10:40
David Champion
(Max-Plank-Institute für Radioastronomie)
26/01/2010, 11:20
Michele Punturo
(INFN Perugia)
26/01/2010, 11:55
Fulvio Gini
(University of Pisa),
Kevin Sangston
(Atlanta, GA, USA),
Maria Greco
(DII, University of Pisa, IT)
26/01/2010, 14:30
Irene Fiori
(European Gravitational Observatory)
26/01/2010, 15:00
Shaon Ghosh
(Graduate student)
26/01/2010, 15:20
Michal Was
(LAL - Orsay)
26/01/2010, 15:35
Nelson Christensen
(Carleton College)
26/01/2010, 15:35
Valentin Rudenko
(Sternberg Astronomical Institute of MSU, Moscow)
26/01/2010, 15:35
Michael Coughlin
(Carleton College)
26/01/2010, 15:35
Tomoki Isogai
(Carleton College)
26/01/2010, 15:35
Florent Robinet
26/01/2010, 16:05
Nelson Christensen
(Carleton College)
26/01/2010, 16:30
Birjoo Vaishnav
(CGWA, University of Texas, Brownsville)
26/01/2010, 16:55
Razib Obaid
(University of Texas at Brownsville)
26/01/2010, 16:57
Xiaoge Wang
(Tsinghua University)
26/01/2010, 16:59
Elena Cuoco
26/01/2010, 17:01
Markus Otto
(AEI Hannover)
26/01/2010, 17:03
Robert Stone
(The University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College)
26/01/2010, 17:05
Innocenzo Pinto
(WavesGroup, INFN and LSC),
Luigi Troiano
(University of Sannio at Benevento),
Maria Principe
(University of Sannio at Benevento),
Salvatore Rampone
(University of Sannio at Benevento),
Vincenzo Pierro
(University of Sannio at Benevento)
26/01/2010, 17:07
Innocenzo Pinto
(University of Sannio at Benevento, LSC and INFN),
Maurizio Longo
(University of Salerno and LSC),
Roberto Conte
(University of Salerno and LSC),
Vincenzo Matta
(University of Salerno andLSC)
26/01/2010, 17:09
Benoit Mours
(LAPP - Annecy, France),
Ettore Fiorini
Francis Halzen
(University of Wisconsin Madison),
James Cordes
(Univ. of Cornell, Ithaca, NY, USA),
Neil Gehrels
Nobuyuki Kanda
(Department of Physics, Osaka City University)
26/01/2010, 17:15
Luigi Piro
27/01/2010, 09:00
Szabolcs Marka
(Columbia University)
27/01/2010, 09:35
Jordan Camp
27/01/2010, 10:05
Proposed Multi-messenger observation plan for Sco X-1 with RXTE and gravitational wave detectors
Kazuhiro Hayama
(National Astronomical Observatory of Japan)
27/01/2010, 10:25
Zsuzsa Marka
(Columbia University)
27/01/2010, 10:27
Laura Nuttall
(Cardiff University)
27/01/2010, 10:29
Valeria Ferrari
27/01/2010, 10:55
Kazuhiro Hayama
(National Astronomical Observatory of Japan)
27/01/2010, 11:30
Giovanni Andrea Prodi
(Univ. of Trento and INFN)
27/01/2010, 11:50
Gabriele Vedovato
(INFN Padova)
27/01/2010, 12:10
Matching Pursuit algorithm – an outline of possible usage for gravitational waves’ data analysis
Adam Zadrozny
(The Andrzej Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies (IPJ))
27/01/2010, 12:30
Philip Charlton
(Charles Sturt University)
27/01/2010, 12:50
John Cannizzo
27/01/2010, 12:52
Philip Graff
(University of Cambridge)
27/01/2010, 12:54
Eric Chassande-Mottin
(CNRS AstroParticule et Cosmologie),
Miriam Miele
(AstroParticule et Cosmologie)
27/01/2010, 12:56
Fabio Postiglione
(DIIIE, University of Salerno, INFN and LSC),
Innocenzo Pinto
(WavesGroup, University of Sannio, IT, INFN and LSC),
Maria Principe
(WavesGroup, University of Sannio, IT, INFN and LSC),
Rocco Croce
(WavesGroup, University of Sannio, IT),
Vincenzo Pierro
(WavesGroup, University of Sannio, IT, INFN and LSC)
27/01/2010, 12:58
Anthony Mezzacappa
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN USA)
27/01/2010, 14:30
Sergey Klimenko
(University of Florida)
27/01/2010, 15:00
Erik Katsavounidis (for the LIGO and Virgo Collaborations)
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
27/01/2010, 15:30
Francesco Salemi
(AEI Hannover)
27/01/2010, 15:45
Francis Halzen
(University of Wisconsin Madison)
27/01/2010, 16:30
Thierry Pradier
(IReS & Université Louis-Pasteur)
27/01/2010, 17:05
Eric Chassande-Mottin
(CNRS AstroParticule et Cosmologie)
27/01/2010, 17:40
Eric Thrane
(University of Minnesota)
27/01/2010, 18:00
Ilya Mandel
(Northwestern University)
27/01/2010, 18:02
László Á Gergely
(University of Szeged)
27/01/2010, 18:04
Diego Fazi
(Northwestern University)
27/01/2010, 18:06
Birjoo Vaishnav
(CGWA, University of Teas at Brownsville)
27/01/2010, 18:08
Frank Ohme
(Albert Einstein Institute)
27/01/2010, 18:10
Leone Battista Bosi
27/01/2010, 18:12
Birjoo Vaishnav
(Center for Gravitational Wave Astronomy, University fo Texas, Brownsville, TX, USA.)
27/01/2010, 18:14
Sean McWilliams
27/01/2010, 18:16
Riccardo Sturani
(Università di Urbino - INFN Firenze)
27/01/2010, 18:18
Jonathan Gair
(University of Cambridge)
27/01/2010, 18:20
Craig Robinson
(Cardiff University)
27/01/2010, 18:22
(Albert Einstein Institute - Potsdam)
27/01/2010, 18:24
László Á Gergely
(University of Szeged)
27/01/2010, 18:26
Jose Mckinnon
(University of Texas at Brownsville)
27/01/2010, 18:28
Vivien Raymond
(Dearborn Observatory, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, USA)
27/01/2010, 18:30
Shiho Kobayashi
(Liverpool John Moores University)
28/01/2010, 08:45
L. Juracy Rangel-Lemos
(ICRA & Dip. di Fisica, Universita' di Roma "Sapienza")
28/01/2010, 09:20
Alexander Dietz
(LAPP Annecy-le-vieux)
28/01/2010, 09:35
Damir Buskulic
(Université de Savoie / LAPP / IN2P3)
28/01/2010, 09:50
Drew Keppel
(LIGO Lab and Theoretical Astrophysics, California Institute of Techonology)
28/01/2010, 10:05
For the LSC and Virgo
Ian Harry
(Cardiff University)
28/01/2010, 10:40
Andrew (for LSC collaboration and Virgo collaboration) Lundgren
(Syracuse University)
28/01/2010, 10:55
Bruno Giacomazzo
(University of Maryland, USA)
28/01/2010, 11:15
Krishnan Badri
(Albert Einstein Institute)
28/01/2010, 11:45
Edward Porter
(APC Laboratory)
28/01/2010, 12:10
Ryan Lang
(NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)
28/01/2010, 12:40
James Cordes
(Univ. of Cornell, Ithaca, NY, USA)
28/01/2010, 14:30
Benjamin Owen
(The Pennsylvania State University)
28/01/2010, 15:10
Pia Astone
28/01/2010, 15:40
Vincenzo Matta
(University of Salerno)
28/01/2010, 16:25
Andrzej Krolak
(Institute of Mathematics, Polish academy of Sciences)
28/01/2010, 16:55
Stefano Braccini
(INFN - Pisa)
28/01/2010, 17:25
Miroslav Shaltev
(AEI - Hannover)
28/01/2010, 17:40
Massimiliano Lattanzi
(ICRA & Dip. di Fisica, Universita' di Roma "Sapienza")
28/01/2010, 17:55
Berit Behnke
(Albert Einstein Institut)
28/01/2010, 18:10
Reinhard Prix
(Albert-Einstein-Institut Hannover)
28/01/2010, 18:12
Chris Messenger
(AEI Hannover)
28/01/2010, 18:14
Holger Pletsch
(Albert-Einstein-Institut Hannover)
28/01/2010, 18:16
Koji Ishidoshiro
(Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science, University of Tokyo)
28/01/2010, 18:18
Evan Goetz
(University of Michigan)
28/01/2010, 18:20
henk J. bulten
(Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam/Nikhef)
28/01/2010, 18:22
Michele Maggiore
(University of Geneva, Switzerland)
29/01/2010, 09:00
Paolo De Bernardis
(INFN Roma, Italy)
29/01/2010, 09:35
Eric Thrane
(University of Minnesota)
29/01/2010, 10:10
Raffaella Schneider
(INAF/Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri)
29/01/2010, 11:10
Alberto Sesana
(Albert Einstein Institute, Golm)
29/01/2010, 11:40
Curt Cutler
(Jet Propulsion Lab)
29/01/2010, 12:00