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25–29 Jan 2010
Physics Department, University of Rome
Europe/Rome timezone

The Gravitational Wave Data Analysis Workshop is an annual meeting devoted to data analysis for current and future gravitational wave detectors and studies of potential gravitational wave sources.

The 14th Gravitational Wave Data Analysis Workshop (GWDAW-14) will be held from January 26th to 29th, 2010, in Rome, Italy. It will take place at the Department of Physics of the University of Rome "Sapienza".

Conference home page:

The workshop is organized by the INFN, Universities of Rome Sapienza and Tor Vergata and the University of Sannio.

Local Scientific Secretariat Mrs. Alba Perrotta

Physics Department, University of Rome
Piazzale Aldo Moro 2, 00185 Rome
A welcome party will take place at the Department of Physics on Monday evening 25th.