"Spring School Colloquium" dei Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati: The SETI Project

Auditorium "Bruno Touschek" (Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (RM) (Ingresso adiacente stazione FS Tor Vergata))

Auditorium "Bruno Touschek"

Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (RM) (Ingresso adiacente stazione FS Tor Vergata)

Via E.Fermi 40 I-00044 Frascati (RM)
Aim of the workshop:
Looking for E.T.: The scientific hunt for extraterrestrial intelligence is now well into its fifth decade, and we still haven't uncovered a confirmed peep from any cosmic company. Could this mean that finding aliens, even if they exist, is a project for the ages – one that might take centuries or longer? New technologies for – and new approaches to – the Search forExtraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) suggest that, despite the continued dearth of signals, there is good reason to expect that success might not be far off – that we might find evidence of sophisticated civilizations within a few decades. What would a contact tell us, and what would it mean to us, and to our descendants?
  • Alberto Bonanni
  • Alessandra Balducci
  • Andrea Gordiani
  • Andrea Longhin
  • Angelo Rocco
  • Antonella Balerna
  • Camila Nardi Uribe
  • Claudia Davelli
  • claudio cardarelli
  • Claudio Cicaterri
  • Daniela Elia
  • Danilo Petriglia
  • Davide Meloni
  • Emanuele Panella
  • Emanuele Petriglia
  • Emiliano Marchetti
  • Federico Cattini
  • Francesca Centofanti
  • Francesco Cordella
  • giacomo Altieri
  • giovanna tolomeo
  • Guido Barbato
  • Jerzy Piotr Kabala
  • Liliana Maria Uribe Tirado
  • Lucia Pizzuti
  • Marco Solarino
  • Maria Rispoli
  • Maria Vittoria Buzzavo
  • Marinella Putano Bisti
  • Martin Krauss
  • Marzia Franceschilli
  • Pietro Gordiani
  • Sofiane Boucenna
  • Spinelli Carmela
  • Stefano Polenta
  • Valentina Balzarotti
  • Valeria Rosina
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