13–17 Apr 2009
Physics Department of the University of Warwick
Europe/Rome timezone


Plenary Session 4: Progress Reports From Vertical Working Groups

17 Apr 2009, 09:00
Physics Department of the University of Warwick

Physics Department of the University of Warwick


Progress reports from all of the vertical groups in this session.

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Dr Thomas Mannel (Siegen University)
17/04/2009, 09:00
Mr Tobias Hurth Hurth (CERN)
17/04/2009, 09:20
Dr Alberto Lusiani (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa)
17/04/2009, 09:40
Prof. Brian Meadows (University of Cincinnati)
17/04/2009, 10:00
Riccardo Faccini (RM1)
17/04/2009, 10:20
Building timetable...