
Aperitivo Scientifico "Rivet - Prospects in ALICE"

by Dr Jochen Klein (CERN)

Sala riunioni teorici piano II (Department of Physics and Astronomy)

Sala riunioni teorici piano II

Department of Physics and Astronomy

Via Irnerio 46
Monte Carlo event generators have become important tools for testing theoretical models against experimental measurements. Rivet (Robust Independent Validation of Experiment and Theory) provides a generator-independent framework to implement and run analyses on the output of arbitrary event generators. This allows the experiments to implement the analyses such that they exactly replicate their cuts and procedures used for the actual analysis. Thus, the analysis results based on the event generator output can be compared reliably against the experimental values, which are also distributed with the Rivet analyses. These comparisons serve as input to the tuning of the generators. After an overview of the Rivet project, I will review the usage of Rivet in high-energy and nuclear physics. Then, I will discuss prospects for further usage by ALICE and address particularities arising in typical heavy-ion analyses. In the end, I will touch on the usage of these analyses for automated tuning of event generators.