Progress in QCD (I)
- Dmitry Ivanov (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics)
Lev Lipatov
(Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute)
05/09/2016, 09:00
Progress in QCD
The high energy asymptotics of scattering amplitudes in QCD is formulated
in terms of reggeized gluons and their interactions. I remind the
functional approach for the calculation of various reggeon vertices. The
Euler-Lagrange equations for the corresponding effective action allows to
find the reggeon field theory in QCD in tree approximation. The simplest
composite state of Reggeized...
Joachim Bartels
(University Hamburg)
05/09/2016, 09:20
Progress in QCD
Based upon an analysis of the renormalization flow equations we
analyse the fixed point structure and derive a new scaling law solution.
Particular emphasis is given to the transverse extension of the scattering
Victor Fadin
(Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RAS)
05/09/2016, 09:40
Progress in QCD
Peculiar properties of the BFKL approach in the next-to-next-to-leading logarithmic approximation are discussed. In this approximation the scheme of derivation of the BFKL equation must be changed because of violation of the simple factorized form of amplitudes with multi-reggeon exchanges.
Gian Paolo Vacca
05/09/2016, 10:00
Progress in QCD
An effective field theory for interacting pomeron and odderon fields is studied non perturbatively analysing the flow of the effective average action.
We present some preliminary results on the critical structure associated to the fixed points of the flow.
Francesco Giovanni Celiberto
05/09/2016, 10:20
Progress in QCD
A study of the inclusive production of a pair of hadrons (a “di-hadron” system), having high transverse momenta and separated by a large interval of rapidity, is presented. This process has much in common with the widely discussed Mueller-Navelet jet production and can be also used to access the BFKL dynamics at proton colliders. Large contributions enhanced by logarithms of energy can be...