Spin Physics (II)
- Jacques Soffer (Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, USA)
Paul E Reimer
(Argonne National Laboratory)
04/09/2016, 11:10
Spin Physics
The proton is a composite particle in which the binding force is responsible for the majority of its mass. To understand this structure, the distributions and origins of the quark-antiquark pairs produced by the strong force must be measured. The SeaQuest collaboration is using the Drell-Yan process to elucidate antiquark distributions in the proton and to study the modification of these...
Piet Mulders
(Nikhef Theory Group and VU)
04/09/2016, 11:35
Spin Physics
We discuss the momentum distributions of gluons and consider the dependence of the gluon parton distribution functions (PDFs) on both fractional (longitudinal) momentum x and transverse momentum pT, referred to as the gluon TMDs. Looking at the operator structure of the TMDs, we are able to unify various descriptions at small-x including the dipole picture and the notions of pomeron and...
Mauro Anselmino
04/09/2016, 12:00
Spin Physics
The Transverse Momentum Dependent Partonic Distributions (TMD-PDFs) and Fragmentation Functions (TMD-FFs) should reveal new properties of the 3-dimensional structure of nucleons and of the quark hadronization process. Many experimental data are now available, much progress has been made in their phenomenological interpretation, future facilities and experiments are being planned. A short...
Mark Jones
(Jefferson Lab)
04/09/2016, 12:25
Spin Physics
The Spin Asymmetries of the Nucleon Experiment (SANE)
ran at Jefferson Lab and measured double spin asymmetries for inclusive
electron scattering on a proton target which was polarized parallel and perpendicular to the polarized electron beam. SANE used a large acceptance detector package to
measured the proton's polarized spin structure functions $g_1$ and $g_2$ in a range of Bjorken $x$,...
Petr Zavada
(Institute of Physics, ASCR, Prague)
04/09/2016, 12:50
Spin Physics
We study the covariant version of the quark-parton model in which intrinsic 3D motion of quarks is consistently taken into account. Covariant kinematics combined with rotational symmetry of the quark momentum distribution in the nucleon rest frame generate new relations and constraints. In this way the predictions concerning TMDs, quark angular momentum or proton spin content have been done...
Kresimir Kumericki
(University of Zagreb)
04/09/2016, 13:10
Spin Physics
We review various procedures for extraction of GPDs from DVCS data, especially in the light of new 2015 measurements by CLAS and Hall A JLab collaborations.