2–8 Sept 2016
Santa Tecla Palace Hotel, Acireale (Catania, Sicily)
Europe/Rome timezone

Charm in the Proton

3 Sept 2016, 13:10
Santa Tecla Palace Hotel, Acireale (Catania, Sicily)

Santa Tecla Palace Hotel, Acireale (Catania, Sicily)

<a href="http://www.hotelsantatecla.it/" target="blank" color="white">(Santa Tecla Palace Hotel)</a>
Diffraction in e-p collisions (experiment/phenomenology/theory) Diffraction in ep collisions (I)


Richard Ball (CERN)


We review the factorisation of deep inelastic processes with charm quarks, and the construction of variable-flavour-number schemes, both with and without an intrinsic charm PDF. Results are then presented of the latest NNPDF fits, both with and without intrinsic charm. The dependence of the PDFs on the charm mass is discussed.

Primary author

Richard Ball (CERN)

Presentation materials