Rachel Montgomery
(University of Glasgow)
A tagged deep inelastic scattering experiment is planned in Hall A of Jefferson Lab, in which the mesonic content of the nucleon will be probed directly. The experiment will measure low momentum recoiling (and spectator) protons in coincidence with deeply inelastically scattered electrons from hydrogen (and deuterium) targets, covering kinematics of 8 < W^2 < 18GeV^2, 1 < Q^2 < 3(GeV/c)^2 and 0.05 < x < 0.2. The tagging technique will enhance deep inelastic scattering from partons in the meson cloud and provide access to the pion structure function via the Sullivan process. The setup will utilise a 50μA, 11GeV electron beam incident upon a gaseous target. The target will be either hydrogen or deuterium, to measure either charged or neutral pion cloud. The target will be surrounded by a GEM-based radial time projection chamber (RTPC), having a length of 400mm and a radius of 15cm, and optimized for measuring protons spanning momenta of 60-400MeV/c. A solenoid magnet will encapsulate both the RTPC and the target. The Hall A Super BigBite spectrometer will be used to measure the scattered electrons. An overview of the measurement, experimental setup, simulations and projected results will be given.
Primary author
Rachel Montgomery
(University of Glasgow)
Bogdan Wojtsekhowski
(Jefferson Lab)
Cynthia Keppel
(Jefferson Lab)
Dipangkar Dutta
(Mississippi State University)
Jixie Zhang
(University of Virginia)
John Annand
(University of Glasgow)
Paul King
(Ohio University)