2–8 Sept 2016
Santa Tecla Palace Hotel, Acireale (Catania, Sicily)
Europe/Rome timezone

Euler-Lagrange equations for effective actions in QCD and gravity at high energies

5 Sept 2016, 09:00
Santa Tecla Palace Hotel, Acireale (Catania, Sicily)

Santa Tecla Palace Hotel, Acireale (Catania, Sicily)

<a href="http://www.hotelsantatecla.it/" target="blank" color="white">(Santa Tecla Palace Hotel)</a>
Progress in QCD Progress in QCD (I)


Lev Lipatov (Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute)


The high energy asymptotics of scattering amplitudes in QCD is formulated in terms of reggeized gluons and their interactions. I remind the functional approach for the calculation of various reggeon vertices. The Euler-Lagrange equations for the corresponding effective action allows to find the reggeon field theory in QCD in tree approximation. The simplest composite state of Reggeized gluons is BFKL Pomeron. In N=4 SUSY it is dual to the reggeized graviton living in 10-dimensional anti-de-Sitter space. We construct generally covariant action describing the interaction of the usual and reggeized gravitons. The Euler-Lagrage equations for this action are derived and their properties are discussed.

Primary author

Lev Lipatov (Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute)

Presentation materials