Lev Lipatov
(Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute)
The high energy asymptotics of scattering amplitudes in QCD is formulated
in terms of reggeized gluons and their interactions. I remind the
functional approach for the calculation of various reggeon vertices. The
Euler-Lagrange equations for the corresponding effective action allows to
find the reggeon field theory in QCD in tree approximation. The simplest
composite state of Reggeized gluons is BFKL Pomeron. In N=4 SUSY it is
dual to the reggeized graviton living in 10-dimensional anti-de-Sitter
space. We construct generally covariant action describing the interaction
of the usual and reggeized gravitons. The Euler-Lagrage equations for this
action are derived and their properties are discussed.
Primary author
Lev Lipatov
(Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute)