In this talk, I will briefly review the cosmic evolution of our visible Universe. The starting point of cosmic evolution is about 14 billion years ago, everything began with an explosion that we call Big Bang. At this early time, the universe was hot and dense, and the interactions between particles were frequent and energetic. This primordial plasma comes in the form of free electrons and atomic nuclei with light bouncing between them. As the temperature of the Universe goes down due to the cosmic expansion, the light elementsโhydrogen, helium and lithiumโstarted to form. At some point, the energy had dropped enough for the first stable atoms to exist. At that moment, photons decoupled from matter and they started to travel reaching the observers today. We observe this afterglow of the Big Bang as microwave radiation. This radiation is well described by a Black Body spectrum at the same temperature (about 2.7 K) in all directions. Although this high uniformity, the cosmic microwave background contains small variations in temperature at a level of 10^{-5}. Parts of the sky are slightly hotter, parts slightly colder. These fluctuations reflect tiny variations in the primordial density of matter. Over time, and under the influence of gravity, these matter fluctuations grew. Dense regions were getting denser. Eventually, galaxies, stars and planets formed. From Cosmic Microwave Background experiments (like COBE, WMAP, Planck) we know that the highest quantity of Universe is unknown, in fact, we know that the Universe is made up of: dark matter (27%), dark energy (68%), baryons (5%).
Dark matter is required to explain the stability of galaxies and the rate of formation of large-scale structures. Dark energy is required to explain the striking fact that the expansion of the universe started to accelerate recently (meaning a few billion years ago). What dark matter and dark energy are is still a mystery. Finally, there is growing evidence that the primordial density perturbations originated from microscopic quantum fluctuations, stretched to cosmic sizes during a period of inflationary expansion. One of the predictions of the inflationary theory is a background of primordial gravitational waves: one of the next challenge in Cosmology is seeking to this signal, and several experiments are dedicated to pursue this aim (Planck, BICEP-2, PolarBear...). It is worthwhile to study and looking in this direction also because recently the LIGO Collaboration delivered the analysis of the first direct observations of gravitational waves confirming once again the General Relativity theory.