
Aperitivo Scientifico: The SPES Projects @LNL. Status of the Project, Technical Challenges, Instrumentation and Scientific Program

by Fabiana Gramegna (LNL)

Sala riunioni I piano (Department of Physics and Astronmy)

Sala riunioni I piano

Department of Physics and Astronmy

Via Irnerio, 46
SPES (Selective Production of Exotic Species), the INFN project for a Nuclear Physics facility with Radioactive Ion Beams (RIBs) is based on several technological innovations and challenges. The project is in advanced construction in Legnaro. It will provide mostly neutron-rich exotic beams, derived by the fission fragments (10**13 fiss/s) produced in the interaction of an intense proton beam (200 microA) on a direct UCx target. The expected SPES beam intensities, their quality and, eventually, their maximum energies (up to 11 MeV/A for A=130) will permit to perform forefront research in nuclear structure and nuclear dynamics, studying a region of the nuclear chart far from the stability valley. Moreover a low energy area will also be developed for new and challenging research, both in the nuclear physics and, eventually, in the material science frameworks. The SPES facility proton driver bases on a commercial, newly designed, 70 MeV Cyclotron produced by the BEST Theratronics Company; this is a very innovative cyclotron able to produce quite intense proton beams (up to 750 microA beam current), with variable energy ranging between 35 and 70 MeV. The full project is divided into four different phases, with separate financial budgets, in order to complete them independently: * alpha phase: construction of the new building; development, set-up, installation and commissioning of the proton driver; development and installation of the RIB production target and instrumentation of the target bunker area (plants, refrigeration etc.); * beta phase: RIBS transport and post-acceleration performed with the upgraded ALPI Linac post-accelerator; * gamma phase: medical applications and radioisotope production (LARAMED premium project); * delta phase: dedicated area for high intensity proton and neutron beam irradiation facilities. By coordinating the developments on the accelerator complex and those of the experimental set-ups a successful program can be obtained. A huge upgrading of the Linac ALPI post-accelerator is being performed. The SPES scientific program is under discussion based on the long-standing experience in nuclear structure and dynamics studies of the LNL and LNS international user communities. In particular, one of the traditional fields is the study of nuclei under extreme conditions, that is the study of the evolution of nuclear structure towards the region far from stability in terms of excitation energy (decay and behavior of hot nuclei), high spin states (highly rotating nuclei), and, finally, high isospin (high N over Z ratio). Large efforts are devoted to the upgrading of installed experimental set-ups (PRISMA, GARFIELD, PISOLO, EXOTIC etc.). The developments of new instrumentation (AGATA, NEDA, FAZIA, GALILEO, ATS, PARIS, TRACE, etc.) are also performed within international collaborations in order to carry out up to date experimentation at SPES, Several Letter of Intents have been presented to the Scientific Advisory Panel during the 2nd SPES InternationalWorkshop (26-28 May 2014). A continuous activity is performed and several International One-day SPES Meetings are organized on specific items to be studied at SPES. The presented themes represent a quite large and up-to-date scientific program to be discussed and studied in the forthcoming years. Both nuclear physics scientific programs and all connected applications will give the international community a great opportunity to further improve in knowledge and technology developement.