Mathematics and Physics at the Crossroads

INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati <!--ID_UTENTE=509-->

INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati <!--ID_UTENTE=509-->

Via Enrico Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM)

Mathematicians and theoretical physicists meet and discuss

outstanding issues and future research directions at the crossroads of

Gauge Fields, Strings and Holography

Operator Algebras and Quantum Field Theory

Condensed Matter and Critical Phenomena

an INdAM intensive  period  framed within the cooperation
agreement between CMTP and INFN

The program runs from June 6 to July 29 and from August 22 until September 30, 2016. Its purpose is to bring together leading international experts and talented young researchers in mathematics and theoretical physics, especially in Algebra, Operator Algebras, Geometry, Statistical Mechanics, Quantum Field Theory and String Theory, in order to stimulate interaction and cross-fertilization between these disciplines. 

The format includes seminars, informal meetings and three topical workshops on Operator Algebras and Quantum Field Theory, Gauge and String Theory, Condensed Matter and Critical Phenomena. 

A Mathematical Physics school is planned as well. Office space, meeting rooms and access to the LNF Library will be provided. We welcome the participation of students and young postdocs. 

                                     October 7, 2016

Beyond the Crossroads...
 The program has concluded, and thanks to anyone who has helped making it a success!
One-day concluding event will take  place at INdAM on October 27


  • Amihay Hanany
  • Andrea Addazi
  • Andrea Guerrieri
  • Chris Fewster
  • Claudia Pinzari
  • Congkao Wen
  • Constantin Bachas
  • Daniel Freedman
  • Daniela Cadamuro
  • Dario Consoli
  • David Evans
  • Detlev Buchholz
  • Edward Shuryak
  • Edwin Laermann
  • Elias Kiritsis
  • Ezio Vasselli
  • Fabio Ciolli
  • Fabio Riccioni
  • Feng Xu
  • Florin radulescu
  • francesco fidaleo
  • francesco fucito
  • Gandalf Lechner
  • Gerardo Morsella
  • Giancarlo Rossi
  • gianfranco pradisi
  • Giovanna Marcelli
  • Giuseppe Ruzzi
  • Henning Bostelmann
  • Igor Khavkine
  • Jacobus Verbaarschot
  • James Tener
  • Jürg Fröhlich
  • Karl-Henning Rehren
  • Kasia Rejzner
  • Keisuke Hatada
  • Keisuke Hatada
  • Klaus Fredenhagen
  • Kostas Skenderis
  • Kuniko Hayakawa
  • Laszlo Zsido
  • Lorenzo Pieri
  • Luca Giorgetti
  • Luca Tomassini
  • Marcel Bischoff
  • Marco Bochicchio
  • Maria Paola Lombardo
  • Maria Stella Adamo
  • Marzieh Eidi
  • Massimo Bianchi
  • Massimo Mannarelli
  • Mihály Weiner
  • Mostafa Behtouei
  • Nicola Pinamonti
  • Oleg Lunin
  • Paolo Bertozzini
  • Petkou Tassos
  • Pietro Colangelo
  • Roberto Conti
  • Roberto Longo
  • Sebastiano Carpi
  • Sergio Doplicher
  • Seyong Kim
  • Simone Del Vecchio
  • sorin popa
  • Sourendu Gupta
  • Stefan Hollands
  • Stefano Iovieno
  • Stefano Kovacs
  • Stefano Rossi
  • Stefano Viaggiu
  • Valeriano Aiello
  • Vaughan Jones
  • Victor Kac
  • Vincenzo Morinelli
  • Yassen Stanev
  • Yasuyuki Kawahigashi
  • Yoh Tanimoto
L'agenda di questo meeting è vuota