W2.3: The 8th AGTaX workshop “Advanced Generation of THz and X-ray beams
- Wolfgang Wagner (HZDR Dresden)
Subhendu Ghosh
(Inter University Accelerator Centre)
30/09/2016, 14:30
The demand of the Terahertz radiation in various fundamental and applied research fields is increasing steadily. To address the requirement, a project to construct a compact Free Electron Laser by using a normal conducting photocathode electron gun has been conceived at Inter University Accelerator Centre (IUAC), New Delhi, India [1, 2]. In this facility, a single laser pulse will be split in...
Ivan Konoplev
(JAI, Department of Physics, University of Oxford)
30/09/2016, 15:00
Oral presentation
Tunable, source of coherent THz radiation driven by pre-bunched electron beam is discussed. We consider the generation of the multi-bunch train by using either self-modulation instability in a plasma channel or radiating a photocathode with a train of femtosecond laser pulses. By changing the plasma density in the channel or distance between the laser pulses, variation of the bunch train...
Alexander Potylitsyn
(Tomsk Polytechnic University)
30/09/2016, 15:15
We considered coherent Cherenkov radiation (CChR) produced by a tilted bunch passing through a slit in a dielectric slab. For a chosen dielectric susceptibility ε=1.3 the resulting CChR propagates from a target bulk to vacuum at the angle θch=32.6˚. The azimuthal asymmetry in CChR angular distribution was calculated and shown that difference of yields for azimuthal angles φ=0˚ and φ=180˚ is...
Alexey Tishchenko
(National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI")
30/09/2016, 15:45
Electrons moving above a periodic dielectric structure generate Smith-Purcell radiation (SPR). SPR may serve for noninvasive bunch diagnostics and also as a good source of THz radiation [1, 2]. In the present report we suggest using a ribbon beam in order to enhance the effective interaction between the beam and grating. In our previous works [3,4] we used the scheme with cylindrical symmetry,...
Robert Kieffer
30/09/2016, 16:00
Oral presentation
For future high current linear lepton machines, non-invasive beam size measurement systems based on Optical Diffraction Radiation (ODR) have been the subject of extensive research in the past years. We report here the installation and commissioning of a high resolution Optical Diffraction Radiation (ODR) experiment on the KEK-ATF2 electron beam-line in Tsukuba (JP). The experimental apparatus...
Nikolay Kudryashov
(National Research Nuclear University “MEPHI”)
30/09/2016, 16:15
Oral presentation
The theory of the generation of the single-particle and collective excitations in a crystal by a fast charged quantum oriented relative to the crystallographic axes particle is constructed. The dependence of the intensity of the generation of excitations in the crystal depending on the level of the transversal both sub barrier and over barrier movement is obtained. It is shown that the...