S1.3: Channeling & Radiations in Crystals
- Robert CHEHAB (IPNL/IN2P3)
Mark Breese
(National University of Singapore)
27/09/2016, 14:30
Oral presentation
This presentation will review work conducted at CIBA, at the National University of Singapore on MeV ion channeling analysis using a focused beam and the Interplay between ion optics and ion channeling to develop new modes of imaging, analysis and beam alignment. MeV ion channeling is well-established in using broad, unfocused beam in conjunction with analytical techniques such RBS to study...
Koryun Gevorgyan
(Yerevan State University)
27/09/2016, 15:00
Oral presentation
The account of polarization of the nanotube medium imposes a limit on the energy of the bunch for the generation of channeling radiation of positrons. The larger the amplitude of the harmonic oscillation of the positron in nanotube, the greater the threshold value of the energy. When the energy of the bunch is equal to the upper threshold, all positrons of bunch contribute to the radiation. As...
Sergey Blazhevich
(Belgorod State University)
27/09/2016, 15:15
Oral presentation
In the present work, diffracted transition radiation (DTR) of the beam of relativistic electron crossing a thin single-crystal plate. The expression for the DTR angular density has been derived for the case when the path of the electrons in the target considerably less than extinction length. For the first time the kinematic character of DTR of the beam of ultra-relativistic electrons crossing...
Igor Vnukov
(Belgorod sate university, Belgorod, Russia)
27/09/2016, 15:30
Oral presentation
Yu. A. Goponov, S.A. Laktionova, M.A. Sidnin, I.E. Vnukov,
Belgorod National Research University, 14 Studencheskaya str., 308007 Belgorod, Russia
To evaluate the previously proposed method of calculating diffracted photon yields in thin perfect crystals [1], a comparison between calculated and experimental results [2-6] in the wide energy range of electrons and photons and the two...
Ramazan Nazhmudinov
(Belgorod National Research University)
27/09/2016, 15:45
Oral presentation
The ionization loss of relativistic protons moving in the depleted layer of Si detector is measured for different thicknesses of the depleted layer. The thickness of Si crystal of the detector was 300 µm, the thickness of the depleted layer was driven with applied high voltage from the detector power supply and was in the region 160–300 µm. The position and the width of the Landau spectral...
Gennadiy Filippov
(Cheboksary Polytechnic Institute)
27/09/2016, 16:00
Oral presentation
Early it was found the significant change in the size of the projectile’s wave packet correlation length during the initial short time after penetration in the volume of a solid. Because the correlation length becomes much less compared to the initial size of the packet, suppose that after the penetration in the solid the projectile appears in one of spatially localized states with the central...
Mikhail Barabanov
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
27/09/2016, 16:15
Oral presentation
The spectroscopy of charmonium-like states together with the spectroscopy of charmed and strange baryons is discussed. It is a good testing tool for the theories of strong interactions, including: QCD in both the perturbative and non-perturbative regimes, LQCD, potential models and phenomenological models [1, 2, 3]. An understanding of the baryon spectrum is one of the primary goals of...