S2.2: Channeling & Radiations in Various Fields
- Nikolai Shul'ga (Akhiezer Institute for Theoretical Physics of NSC KIPT)
Alexey Tishchenko
(National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI")
26/09/2016, 16:50
Oral presentation
Various cosmic ray experiments and experiments on modern and future accelerators face the challenge to identify particles with gamma-factors up to ~10^5. For example, widely used transition radiation detectors are good for separation of electrons from the hadron background up to hadron Lorentz-factors of about 500. For higher Lorentz-factor the contribution of transition radiation from hadrons...
Aram Saharian
(Institute of Applied Problems in Physics NAS RA)
26/09/2016, 17:20
Oral presentation
We investigate the radiation from a charged particle rotating around a diffraction grating on a cylindrical surface. The grating consists metallic strips parallel to the cylinder axis. The expressions are derived for the electric and magnetic fields and for the angular density of the spectral-angular distribution of the radiation intensity. The angular density of the radiation intensity is...
Darya Sergeeva
(National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI")
26/09/2016, 17:35
Oral presentation
Charged particles moving in periodical structures produce different kinds of radiation, including parametric radiation and Smith-Purcell radiation (SPR), which are rather close in its nature, indeed. The latter is well investigated for different types of gratings like lamellar, eshelette, gratings made of strips, etc. Smith-Purcell radiation from photonic crystals has been studied less. As it...
Alexander Kubankin
(Belgorod National Research University)
26/09/2016, 17:50
Oral presentation
Parametric X-ray radiation (PXR) appears during coherent scattering of the charged particle Coulomb field on the atomic structures. PXR was studied theoretically and experimentally in different geometries, in a wide range of charged particles energies and several crystalline targets (crystalline, polycrystalline and multilayer mirrors). Nevertheless, the backward geometry for the PXR...
Anna Kotanjyan
(Yerevan State University)
26/09/2016, 18:05
Oral presentation
We investigate the spectral-angular distribution for the radiation emitted by a point charge rotating inside a cylindrical grating with conducting strips. Two types of the radiation processes are realized: synchrotron and Smith-Purcell radiations. Their relative contributions to the total radiation intensity are discussed in various asymptotic regions of the parameters describing the...
Evgeny Gurnevich
(Research Institute for Nuclear Problems of Belarusian State University)
26/09/2016, 18:20
Oral presentation
The studies of quasi-Cherenkov radiation produced by a charged particle moving through crystal built from parallel metallic wires (wire media) have demonstrated that the intensity of radiation grows essentially when the wavelength becomes comparable with the wire radius (kR~1).
Until recently, the interaction of electromagnetic waves with wire media was analyzed in the approximation of...