S1.2: Channeling & Radiations in Crystals
Alexander Potylitsyn
(Tomsk Polytechnic University)
26/09/2016, 11:20
Oral presentation
Processes of coherent radiation such as transition radiation, Cherenkov radiation, X-ray parametric radiation generated by «pancake-like» short electron bunches with any angle ψ between bunch axes and it’s velocity were investigated. There was shown that the angle of maximal radiation yield of transition radiation is determined by the tilt angle ψ for all cases even if such an angle is much...
Behnam Azadegan
(Hakim Sabzevari University)
26/09/2016, 11:50
Oral presentation
The concept to create a non-conventional intense positron source by application of channeling radiation (CR) generated in a crystalline target by electrons of energy of several GeV was proposed in [1] and experimentally proven later on [2]. In a hybrid-source setup, the generation of radiation in a single radiator crystal is separated from the successive conversion into e+e̶ - pairs in an...
Alexander Lobko
(Institute for Nuclear Problems, Belarusian State University)
26/09/2016, 12:05
Oral presentation
It was predicted and observed in 1980-th [1-6] that both electron-positron pair production by gamma-quanta and gamma-quanta emission by electrons and positrons are strongly enhanced at the energies exceeding tens of GeV in oriented crystals. Crystals are widely used in the electromagnetic calorimeters, e.g. the electromagnetic calorimeter ECAL of Compact Muon Solenoid at LHC is made of PWO...
Philippe Piot
(northern Illinois University & Fermilab)
26/09/2016, 12:20
Oral presentation
Channeling radiation produced from field-emitted electron bunches accelerated in a compact high-duty cycle accelerator could lead to the development of laser-free rugged X-ray sources [C. A. Brau, et al., Synchrotron Radiation News, 25, Issue 1 (2012)]. This type of source could have application in a variety of domains including in medical imaging and industry. In this paper we present our...
Nikolay Kalashnikov
(National Research Nuclear University Mephi)
26/09/2016, 12:35
Oral presentation
Induced Resonance Evolution of the channeling electron beam
V.V. Ambartsumov1, N.P. Kalashnikov1
1 National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute).
Abstract. The motion of channeling particles in the accompanying coordinate system can be considered as one-dimensional oscillator (in the case of planar...
Galina Vergunova
(Lebedev Physical Institute)
26/09/2016, 12:50
Oral presentation
The possibility of the analysis and interpretation of the reported experiments with the megajoule National Ignition Facility (NIF) laser on the compression of capsules in indirect-irradiation targets by means of the one-dimensional RADIAN program in the spherical geometry has been studied. The results of the simulations are in satisfactory agreement with the measurements and correspond to the...