Channeling Primer
- Sultan Dabagov (LNF)
Fernando Ferroni
25/09/2016, 14:25
Oral presentation
President of INFN Prof. Fernando Ferroni will greet the participants of Channeling 2016
25/09/2016, 14:40
Oral presentation
Lessons learned from LHC allow the definition of new strategies for future collider concepts
Giuseppe Dattoli
25/09/2016, 15:10
Free Electron Lasers are widely exploited in applications and are now very effective tools for different types of studies from Solid State Physics to Structural Biology.
The reliability of these devices, the high spectral flux, the possibility of controlling the spectral purity and the time duration of the individual pulses makes them attractive in further fields of research, including...
(Institut de Physique Nucléaire de Lyon), Prof.
Sultan Dabagov
25/09/2016, 15:50
Oral presentation
Practically 50 years past since the phenomenology for charged particles channeling in crystals has been proposed by Lindhard. This pioneering work that provides correct description of charged particles motion in oriented crystals at small beam incident angle with respect to main crystallographic directions, resulting in either planar or axial channeling,
was followed by many research papers,...
Nikolay Kalashnikov
(National Research Nuclear University Mephi)
25/09/2016, 16:20
Oral presentation
MEPhI was founded during World War II in 23 November, 1942 initially as Moscow Mechanical Institute of Ammunition by I.Stalin’s personal order. The main goal of its foundation was to collect brilliant minds together, train them and urgently start research in creation of nuclear weapon. Since the end of 50-th the main goal of Moscow Engineering Physics Institute is the people ware for...
Saida Kuizheva
(Rector of MSTU)
25/09/2016, 16:50
Oral presentation
Maykop State Technological University (RF, Adygheya, Maykop)