W2.2: The 8th AGTaX workshop “Advanced Generation of THz and X-ray beams
- Ivan Konoplev (JAI, Department of Physics, University of Oxford)
Alan Phelps
(Department of Physics, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow G4 0NG, UK)
30/09/2016, 11:20
For the creation of novel coherent sub-THz sources excited by electron beams there is a requirement to manufacture intricate periodic structures to produce and radiate electromagnetic fields. Additive manufacturing [1], or “3D printing”, is promising to be quick and cost-effective for prototyping these periodic structures.
Such structures are of great interest because the application of...
Lixin Yan
(Department of Engineering Physics, Tsinghua University)
30/09/2016, 11:50
Oral presentation
High peak current electron bunch trains can find applications in high transformer ratio wakefield acceleration and high power tunable narrow band THz production. Based on the TTX (Tsinghua Thomson-scattering X-ray) facility, we performed experiments on high peak current bunch train production by nonlinear longitudinal space charge oscillation and obtained narrow band THz radiation via coherent...
Yingchao Du
(Tsinghua University)
30/09/2016, 12:05
Oral presentation
Tsinghua Thomson Scattering X-ray Source (TTX) is the first-of-its-kind dedicated hard X-ray source in China based on the Thomson scattering between a terawatt ultrashort laser and relativistic electron beams [1]. Many improvements have been performed at the facility during the last three years since 2013, including developing a new separated Ti:Sapphire laser system for collision, 100-fs...
Konstantin Lekomtsev
(Royal Holloway University of London), Dr
Pavel Karataev
(Royal Holloway, Unviersity of London)
30/09/2016, 12:20
Generation of intense THz radiation beams is important for a growing demand in research based on THz spectroscopy and imaging. Physical processes associated with the beam propagation near a grating or a system of gratings give rise to beam energy modulation as well as radiation emission based on the mechanism of Smith-Purcell radiation, with the capability to tune both processes. Devices that...