S4.1: Charged Beams Shaping
- Walter Scandale (ROMA1)
H.-Ulrich (Uli) Wienands
(Argonne National Laboratory)
28/09/2016, 09:00
Oral presentation
Since 2013, several key experiments have been performed at SLAC investigating channeling of positrons and electrons in bent crystals, the latter in an energy range from 3 to 20 GeV, using the FACET and the ESTB beam facilities. Using a Ferrara-made bent Si (110) crystal these experiments have measured channeling parameters in a little-explored energy range and have investigated the...
Yury Chesnokov
28/09/2016, 09:30
Oral presentation
Yu.A. Chesnokov, A.G. Afonin, V.T. Baranov, G.I. Britvich,
P.N. Chirkov, V.A. Maisheev, D.A.Savin, V.I. Terekhov
Institute for High Energy Physics in National Research Centre Kurchatov Institute,
142281, Protvino, Moscow region, Russia
Abstract: Phenomenon of deflection of charged particle beam due to channeling in a bent crystal is good investigated and successfully applied for...
28/09/2016, 09:45
Oral presentation
As a charged particle beam is aligned with one of the main axes of a slightly bent crystal, most of the particles follows the crystal curvature due to multiple scattering with bent crystal axes. This effect is called stochastic deflection and occurs under some circumstances. Indeed, in the case of positively charged particles, a portion of the beam may relax from the axial confinement to...
Vladimir Maisheev
28/09/2016, 10:00
Oral presentation
Recent experiments in CERN and IHEP have demonstrated
the simple method of focusing of hadron beams with the help
of specially fabricated bent single crystals. In these experiments
the parallel beam was transformed in the focusing one on a
distance equal approximately to 1-2 meter from a crystal.
In this report we discuss further development of focusing
on the basis of bent...
edward tsyganov
(cold fusion power int)
28/09/2016, 10:15
Oral presentation
Chemical energy—oil and gas—will run out in the next 30–50 years. In addition to drying out our chemical energy sources, there is the so-called greenhouse effect, which imposes severe restrictions on the use of fuel. Nuclear reactors use uranium and thorium, and their reserves will last for no more than 100–200 years.
Cold nuclear fusion in metals is possible due to the fact that the...
Sergio Bartalucci
28/09/2016, 10:30
Oral presentation
The use of polarized nuclei as a fuel for thermonuclear fusion reactors was suggested more than 30 years ago and discussed in detail in a series of seminal papers [1-4]. For magnetic confinement as well as for inertial fusion the total cross section can be increased significantly. Especially for the dominant nuclear fusion reactions 2H + 3H →4He+n + 17.58 MeV and 2H +3He→4He+p + 18.34 MeV, an...
Mikhail Negodaev
(P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
28/09/2016, 10:45
Oral presentation
The Interaction of the Ion and X-ray Beams with Energies Less than 30 keV with Deuterated Crystal Structures
A.V. Bagulya1, O. D. Dalkarov1, M. A. Negodaev1, A. S. Rusetskii1, V.I.Tsekhosh1, A.A. Bolotokov2
1 P. N. Lebedev Physical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences (LPI), 119991 Moscow, Russia
2 Corporation " Radium", 125057, Moscow, Russia
At the ion accelerator HELIS [1,2]...