S5.1: Novel sources: FEL/Laser/Plasma channels
- Luca Serafini (MI)
Fabian Zomer
(IN2P3/CNRS Université Paris 11)
29/09/2016, 15:00
The compact Compton ring ThomX is now under construction at LAL/Orsay. This machine will provide a quasi-monochromatic X-ray beam of multi keV energy. However major issues are expected in beam dynamics and on the operation of the laser system.
In this presentation, the machine design, including the optical and laser systems will be reviewed. Recent progress in the optical system performances...
Florian Lindner
(Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)
29/09/2016, 15:30
For approximately the last 20 years, laser-driven acceleration of ions has inspired novel applications that can benefit from interesting ion bunch properties. Those contrast conventional (non-laser based) accelerators by extremely short pulse durations in the picosecond range [1], a broad energy spectrum (~100 %), a high peak current (~kA) and a small, micrometer source size [2]. The main...
Danilo Giulietti
29/09/2016, 15:45
The main interest in the aneutronic nuclear fusion reactions for energy production concerns the possibility of greatly reducing the problems associated with neutron activation and related requirements for biological shielding, remote handling, and safety. Among the so called “advanced fusion fuels” the proton-Boron fusion reaction seems to be the most attainable from an experimental point of...
Marco Galimberti
(Science and Technology Facilities Council)
29/09/2016, 16:00
The Vulcan laser is a Nd:glass amplification chain that is capable of delivering up to 2.6 kJ in 8 beam lines in two target areas.
Combined with 6 long pulse beams, with user selectable pulse length from 0.1ns to 8ns, short pulses are available with pulses down to 500fs using the Chirped Pulse Amplification (CPA) on two beam lines.
Recently a new diagnostics system became operational, making...
Vladimir Zvorykin
(P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences)
29/09/2016, 16:15
A high-energy (up to 3 kJ in ns pulses) UV radiation (λ=248 nm) of KrF laser is successfully used in the Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF) [1]. For ~ 1GW peak power in numerous angular multiplexed beams, nonlinear effects were not observed yet under propagation along ~100-m air path and in transmissive optics. TW peak power of sub-ps UV pulses at Ti:Sapphire/KrF GARPUN-MTW laser facility...