Nikolay Kalashnikov
(National Research Nuclear University Mephi)
MEPhI was founded during World War II in 23 November, 1942 initially as Moscow Mechanical Institute of Ammunition by I.Stalin’s personal order. The main goal of its foundation was to collect brilliant minds together, train them and urgently start research in creation of nuclear weapon. Since the end of 50-th the main goal of Moscow Engineering Physics Institute is the people ware for developing of nuclear industry (research, engineering, technologies). National Research Nuclear University MEPhI was created as an educational and research holding for nuclear industry inside and outside of the Russian Federation. MEPhI is the Russian Nuclear Education Center. NRNU MEPhI has more than 40 educational programs and more than 30 directions of postgraduate education. NRNU MEPhI is nuclear, bio- and nanotechnologies university.
The former structure is departments (Faculties):
Department (faculty) of experimental and theoretical physics; Department (faculty) of physics and nuclear power systems; Department (faculty) of automatics and electronics; Department (faculty) of cybernetics and information security; Department (faculty) of management and economics of high technologies.
The modern structure is institutes (SAU - Strategical Academic Units) (The main goal of the transformation faculty divisions into institutes is combined the basic departments on the base of one or more centers of excellence and the multidisciplinary approach):
Institute of high energy physics; Institute of nuclear physics and technologies; Institute of nanotechnologies; Institute of nuclear medicine; Institute of cybernetics and information security; Institute of management and economics of high technologies; Institute of fundamental natural sciences.
Modern NRNU MEPhI is Research & Educational Centers & Laboratories. (Nuclear reactor center, Radiation material science and radiation protection center, Physical protection, control and accounting of nuclear materials center, Radiation accelerator center, Neutrino Lab, Nuclear electronics center, Carbon fiber and carbon-composite material center, Superconductivity center, Nanosystems, nanomaterials and nanotechnologies center, Laser technological center, etc.)
NRNU MEPhI participates in a large number of the international (collaborations) experiments (STAR, ATLAS, ALICE, PAMELA, ARINA, CORONAS-PHOTON etc.)
MEPhI set an ambitious goal to become a global leader in education, science and innovations