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25–30 Sept 2016
Europe/Rome timezone
deadline for abstracts has expired

Multicrystal Microundulator

26 Sept 2016, 18:40


Dr Julia Janz (Tomsk polytechnic university)


Radiation of charged particles passing through a set of equidistant ridges on the surface of a single crystal is analyzed. The ridge thickness is a half of the particle trajectory period at channeling in a thick crystal. Passing through such set of half-wave crystals the particle can move on quasi-undulator trajectories [1]. Properties of radiation emitted by swift positrons from such “multicrystal microundulator” are calculated. Such structure can be created on crystal surface, as in [2]. References 1. S.Vorobiev, V.Kaplin, E.Rozum. Patent SU 876044 А. 1980. 2. V.Kaplin, S.Uglov, V. Zabaev, et al. NIM A 448 (2000) 66.

Primary author

Dr Julia Janz (Tomsk polytechnic university)


Dr Valery Kaplin (Tomsk polytechnic university, Leading scientist) Prof. Vladimir Epp (Tomsk State Pedagogical University)

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