Dariush Hampai
"Rainbow X-Ray" (RXR) is a μXRF station at "XLab-Frascati", now open for users and optimized for any kind of analytical research field using X-ray sources.
In collaboration with two archeological groups (site "Grotta Romanelli" - Late Pleis- tocene, and site "Gran Carro" - Iron Age) we are starting X-ray Fluorescence studies on local artifacts. The elemental analysis of these artifacts (in particular focalizing the analysis on the inclusions) allows us to understand the provenience of the raw materials: superficial (2D) and bulk (3D) micro-fluorescence mapping can provide useful informa- tions for the geologists in order to identify the possible artifacts origins.
The results presented in this work are a part of a more wide anthropological/archeological study that is indispensable to understand the social and economical relations of these prehistorical communities.
Primary author
Dariush Hampai
A. Sciancalepore
(Sapienza Univ)
Andrea Liedl
Emilio Capitolo
Giorgio Cappuccio
M. Iannarelli
M. Massussi
(Sapienza Univ)
R. Sardella
(Sapienza Univ)
S. Tucci
(Sapienza Univ)
Sultan Dabagov