Philippe Piot
(northern Illinois University & Fermilab)
A high-brilliance ($>10^{20}$ phot.s$^{-1}$.mm$^{-2}$.mrd$^{-2}$/0.1%) gamma-ray source experiment is currently in preparation at Fermilab ($E_\gamma\simeq 1.1$~MeV). The source implements a high-repetition-rate inverse Compton scattering by colliding electron bunches formed in a 300-MeV superconducting linac with a high-intensity laser pulse. This contribution describes the design rationale along with technical challenges associated to producing high-repetition-rate collision (e.g. development of a coherent stacking cavity). The expected performances of the gamma-ray source are also presented along with their sensitivity to fluctuations of electron-beam and laser parameters.
Primary author
Philippe Piot
(northern Illinois University & Fermilab)