Nikolay Kalashnikov
(National Research Nuclear University Mephi)
Raman Scattering of Photons by the Channeling Electrons
Badreeva D.〖R.〗^1, Kalashnikov N.〖P.〗^1
1 National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Moscow, Russia
dinkulenok@yandex.ru; kalash@mephi.ru
Abstract. The motion of channeling particles in the accompanying coordinate system can be considered as a two-dimensional atom in the case of axial channeling. The transversal motion of the channeling particles is characterized by discrete spectrum. The occupation probability of the transversal motion levels depends on the entrance angle of charged particle relative to the crystallographic axis [1-3]. In the scattering of a photon by the "quasi-bound" charged particle in the axial channeling mode, the frequencies which are a combination of the incident photon frequency ω_0and the frequency ω_if (ω_if is the transition frequency in transverse quantized motion of the channeling electron: ω =ω_0± ω_if, where ω_if=2Δε_if γ^2; where γ=E⁄(mc^2 ) is the Lorentz-factor of the channeling electron) would make appearance. In the report the criteria for choosing an adequate continuous potential of the crystallographic axis are discussed [4]. The dependence of the occupation probability of the transversal motion levels of the channeling particles (electron) upon the single crystal thickness is investigated [1-2]. The peculiarities of the Raman scattering spectrum of photons by electrons in the axial channeling regime are analyzed. The possibility of anti-Stocks lines in the Raman spectrum is considered.
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2. Kalashnikov N.P. Coherent Interactions of Charged Particles in Single Crystals. (Scattering and Radiative Processes in Single Crystals). Harwood Academic Publishers. London and New York. 1988.
3. Ohtsuki Y.-H. Charged Beam Interaction with Solids. Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan. Taylor and Francis Ltd. London and New York. 1983.
4. Kalashnikov N.P., Krokhin O.N. Quantum Electronics. 2014. v.44 (№12). p.p.1109-1111.
Primary author
Nikolay Kalashnikov
(National Research Nuclear University Mephi)
(National Research Nuclear Univesity MEPhI)