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25–30 Sept 2016
Europe/Rome timezone
deadline for abstracts has expired

On Transverse X Beam Profile Transmitted by Polycapillary Semi Lens

29 Sept 2016, 18:40


Andrea Liedl (LNF)


Polycapillary optics is a well known technology used within different research and industrial fields. Generally these devices are applied for their integral properties, as flux gain factor, or for the micro- focus features useful for confocal geometry. Less investigations have been spent about composition of the trasmitted beam. In this work features about spot size, energy composition, residual divergence and energy spectra of the beam are investigated. Specifically these features have been measured as a function of ending face radius of polycapillary semi lens. At last, the same investigation has been led for a imaging case study as a validating experiment of previous conclusions.

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