25–30 Sept 2016
Europe/Rome timezone
deadline for abstracts has expired

Call for Abstracts

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline


Abstract Submission Instructions

Any contribution on subjects within the scope of the conference is welcomed. Authors are requested to online submission of the abstracts no later than July 15, 2016, according to the instructions on this page. Authors will be informed on both the acceptance of their contributions and the kind of presentations (oral or poster) by July 22, 2016.

The title with the list of authors and the short abstract in plain text should be completed in the reported form to provide necessary information to the organizers to define scientific program of the conference. The abstract form limits your short abstract to 100 words.

Once you have submitted one or more papers, you can access to your submission/s as well as edit or add corrections or upload a new version of your abstract(s) until the abstract deadline.

Additionally the abstract must be submitted as pdf-file according to the Channeling 2016 template (doc and LaTeX - available via "Downloads & Dates" link). Please notice that the abstract length must be limited to one A4 page as indicated in the template. Once ready, please, send the abstract as attached file/s via e-mail channeling2016@lists.lnf.infn.it

The call for abstracts is closed.