Participants are invited to register by filling the online Registration Form. Registration Fee: Early registration and payment, by 28 March: 300,00 € () Late registration and payment, after 28 March: 350,00 € () (*) VAT included (22%). Method of payment (for non-INFN participants): by Bank transfer to: INFN - LNF Congressi e Foresterie Via E. Fermi, 40 - I00044 Frascati IBAN: IT 31 Q 02008 39105 000102577662 code BIC-SWIFT: UNCRIT M 1385 reason for payment: Vulcano2016, registration of (participant's name) by Credit card through the following web form: (accepted cards: Visa and Mastercard) Important information: the bank transfer fee is at the sender's expense; a copy of the bank transfer must be sent by email to:; the registration fee of INFN participants will be paid through an internal transfer among INFN sites. Other forms of payment will not be accepted. Further information can be obtained from the local INFN administrative offices; participants must specify in the registration form all the required billing details, necessary to prepare a correct fee invoice; participants are invited to check with their institute if the fee must be invoiced to the institute, in order to be reimbursed, or if it can be invoiced to their name. If the fee must be invoiced to the institute it is necessary to provide us with this information well in advance. Cancellation and refunds: - by 16 May: full refund minus VAT and 30 € as handling fee - after 16 May: 50% of registration fee will be refunded The registration desk, at the Therasia Resort, will open on Sunday May 22nd, at 6:00 pm.
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