Gravitational Waves
- Alan Watson (University of Leeds)
Gravitational Waves
- Alan Watson (University of Leeds)
Massimiliano Razzano
07/07/2016, 09:50
Since 2011 the Virgo collaboration has undertaken a major detector upgrade towards a second generation detector with the aim of increasing the number of observable galaxies (and thus the detection rate) by three orders of magnitude. The installation and integration of Advanced Virgo was recently completed and the commissioning phase has begun with the objective of joining the two Advanced LIGO...
Luciano Di Fiore
(INFN Napoli)
07/07/2016, 10:20
A torsion pendulum with 2 soft degrees of freedom (DOF), realized by off-axis cascading two torsion fibers, has been built and operated. This instrument allows simultaneous measurement, of force and torque acting on the suspended test mass, approaching free-fall condition down to a few mHz. It was developed for ground testing on two DOFs, before the launch, of the Gravitational Reference...
ik siong heng
(University of Glasgow)
07/07/2016, 11:10
The detection of gravitational waves from binary black hole coalescence and merger was a major highlight of Advanced LIGO's first observing run (O1). These detections of gravitational wave heralded the dawn of gravitational wave astronomy. The Advanced LIGO detectors, though significantly more sensitive than any other gravitational wave detector before, were not operating at design sensitivity...
Massimiliano Razzano
(on behalf of the LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration)
07/07/2016, 12:10
The direct detection of gravitational waves from the merger of binary black holes marked the birth of gravitational wave astronomy and opened a new chapter in the multimessenger study of the cosmos. Among gravitational wave sources, mergers of compact objects containing at least one neutron star are thought to be associated with electromagnetic transient phenomena, such as short Gamma Ray...
Lorenzo Natalucci
07/07/2016, 12:40
The detection of the first gravitational waves from GW150914 by the LIGO-Virgo collaboration has triggered many multi-wavelength campaigns using space and ground observatories. Large field-of-view gamma-ray telescopes, such as those onboard INTEGRAL have the capability of detecting relatively faint transient events (>~ a few 10^-8 erg cm-2) and are unique for the study of the prompt emission....
Angela Dora Vittoria Di Virgilio
07/07/2016, 13:00
GINGER (Gyroscopes IN General Relativity) is a proposal aiming at measuring the Lense-Thirring effect with an experiment based on Earth. It is an array of ringlasers, which are the most sensitive inertial sensors to measure the rotation rate of the Earth. After reviewing the importance of light as a probe for testing the structure of space-time, we describe the GINGER project. GINGER is based...