Alberto Oliva
(CIEMAT (Spain))
AMS-02 is a wide acceptance high-energy physics experiment installed on the International Space Station in May 2011 and operating continuously since then.
With a collection rate of approximately 1.7 × 10^{10} events/year, combined with the particle identification capabilities of 5 independent detectors, AMS is able to accurately measure all the charged cosmic rays (CRs) species separating hadrons from leptons, matter from anti-matter and determining the CRs chemical and isotopic composition.
AMS-02 collaboration has recently released a first set of precise measurements of cosmic ray fluxes of positrons, electrons, anti-protons, protons, and helium nuclei detected in the GV to TV rigidity (momentum/charge) range. These results as well as preliminary results for CRs nuclear component fluxes and ratios (Li, B/C) will be shown and discussed.
Primary author
Alberto Oliva
(CIEMAT (Spain))