The On-line mass separator ISOLDE is a facility dedicated to the production of a large variety of radioactive ion beams. The 1.4 GeV proton beam delivered by the Proton-Synchrotron Booster (PSB) is used to bombard thick targets made of different materials including actinides. The radioactive isotopes produced in the target are subsequently ionized, accelerated, mass-separated and transported to the experimental stations with the possibility of further post-acceleration. From a Radiation Protection standpoint, the use of actinide targets (depleted uranium and natural thorium) implies specific radiological hazards when operating and during maintenance activities of the facility due to the production of alpha emitters and volatile species. The first part of the presentation will be dedicated to specific measures applying to the ISOLDE facility in order to mitigate the associated radiological risks. The second part of the presentation will describe how the radiation protection constraints have been taken into account for the upgrade of the ISOLDE facility which started in 2013 for the integration of the MEDICIS facility. The MEDICIS facility is dedicated to the production of new radioactive isotopes for medical applications. The isotopes will be produced Off-line with targets irradiated with the fraction of the PSB beam which is not intercepted in the on-line ISOLDE target.